the future of entertainment

Kariboo embraces extended reality technology

Kariboo is a pioneering entertainment platform specializing in extended reality (XR) entertainment in various forms and across multiple platforms. We aim to be a nexus of XR experiences, whether it's movies, television, concerts, or sports. By harnessing cutting-edge XR technology we create immersive experiences that provide unparalleled entertainment for our users.

Kariboo is developed by Immola LLC, an entertainment company in the U.S. developing and producing film and television content, immersive entertainment, and virtual-reality software.  

Immola has decades of experience in the entertainment industry creating film, television, and streaming content for international audiences. Immola is at the forefront of new innovations in entertainment technology finding solutions to enhance and improve the entertainment experience for audiences.

Why confine yourself to a screen when your whole room can be a viewing experience? Extended reality technology is bringing the next generation of content that promises to break out of boxes and surround you with unparalleled entertainment experiences. Watch movies, sports and concerts in ways you've never experienced before!

Experience the Future of Entertainment with Kariboo